
Photo A Day ~ 9 Jan

My parents leave tomorrow so I took my mom out for some last minute shopping today. On the way back home my mom wanted to stop off and get some pictures of some stuff on the base. I stopped at the round-about circle so my mom could get some photos of the plane in the middle... and I read the memorial granite slab near it for the very first time! It is a memorial to John F. Kennedy put up by the Japanese workers of Yokota Air Base in 1983. As I was looking through the camera, I noticed I could see my reflection... and I just thought it was kinda cool!

Canon dRebel XT, kit lens, ss 1/80, f. 9.0, ISO 400


Mar said...

It is pretty cool how you captured your reflection!

CC...you could have probably gone w/a wider aperture and "blurred your background" just a tad more making the sculpture/reflection more more of the focus.

Lorrie said...

Neat story about the slab. Cool reflection!

Jane H said...

I love this photo and I'm enjoying so much seeing Japan again through your eyes! Thanks for sharing.

. said...

What does the slab say? I like seeing your reflection in it.

Krissynae said...

Beautiful picture. Love the reflection.

Julianna said...

you're so cute in your reflection :) :) :) :) :)

Tiffany said...

I wish I'm there right now!!!!great shot!

Anonymous said...

how cool that you can see yourself! Very neat!

Anonymous said...

I see you, lol. I like this photo.

Adrienne said...

Cool that they have a slab about Him there :) I love that you can see your reflection :)

Sheri said...

very cool- love your reflection!