
Photo A Day ~ 26 Feb

Wow... I'm actually following the weekly theme for the POTD Challenge?! Shocking!!!

This is me... and my new hair... which tells a LOT about me!! This is a self-portrait in the kids' bathroom mirror (excuse the bright colored tropical frog shower curtain in the background!)... taken to show my friend Amy that the new color & highlights really did cover all of my gray!! ;) It's shorter than I wanted, but it'll grow back!!! I'm happy enough with the color to ignore the length!
Oh... and in this shot you can see the new battery grip on my camera. LOVIN' it so far! It's great for portrait shots.


Photo A Day ~ 24 Feb

While playing with my camera today, I actually got one serious one of my 4-year-old while he was on the floor in the kitchen! I had to snap pretty quickly with that one... he wasn't still very long! He's usually a total goofball & making funny faces when I get the camera so I just love this even if it isn't very sharp.
The picture is way too soft... but I was limited on time here! I do like the catchlights... and I will remember this for a more "cooperative time" and get better focus!
And more of the goodies from my hubby... He sent the boys these hats with their names on them. Noah was being a goofball today so I snapped a few pictures of him with the hat... who knew a washing machine would make a good white backdrop?!
*sigh* My kid the goofball! He made ALL sorts of faces!!! The hat is a good prop for him!


Photo A Day ~ 23 Feb

Just skipping all those other dates for now. I'll post them when I have time! :)

So... back to today's photo! I got a package from my hubby. He thought it would be fun to share a few of the products that he gets at his deployed location!

Sprite, Pepsi and Mountain Dew! It says the name in English on the other side of the cans!

It's kind of difficult to see the writing on the Snickers candy bar, but the ingredients are in English and some other language... possibly Arabic. *shrug*

I'm not sure of the camera settings... I didn't even look before posting them to be honest... because I used my brand-spankin' new external flash. I was playing with bouncing the flash & some of the photos with better focus weren't exactly the best light. Oh well... it's fun to play & learn!!! :)


wow... I'm SO behind with posting photos!

Well, I should probably get caught up and post the photos I've taken since the 26th. I've been snapping away... but haven't taken the time to post anything. It has been a wild couple of weeks. I hurt my back in mid-January, had my 35th birthday on the 24th, lots of meetings and activities, had a sinus headache for days... and haven't slept a consecutive 7 hours since December. The huge dark circles under my eyes can prove it! ;)

And I've decided that this is the year I'm going to really get serious and learn as much as I can about photography. I searched high and low, read all sorts of websites and blogs, looking for a photography course that I thought would work for me. There are huge schools that would be great... just not very me. I've found one that I really want to try... now, if there is an opening is another matter entirely!!!

I also ordered some photo goodies (external flash, battery grip, diffuser... just to name a few) and I can't wait to play with them and learn more and more and more!!!! It's been a very long time since I've been this excited about learning something new. I have always loved photography, and now I want to really learn photography. It helps that my hubby is just as excited. He's always supportive, but for him to say he's proud of me... yeah... that sure makes me smile!!