
2008: a year of photos

a new year, a new beginning...

I started last year with good intentions. I loved the idea of taking a photo every day so I joined the challenge on a message board & started out with lots of enthusiasm. It made me think about my photos and gave me some ideas for trying new things... but life got in the way. Sadly, photography wasn't high on the list of priorities around here. I let my 'photo a day' slowly dwindle down to 'photo a month' then stopped all together before I even made it to the summer.

So... here we are at the beginning of another year... and I'm going to give it another shot. I have the same enthusiasm but this year I'm going to make photography more of a priority. I want to take more than one photo a day (because, honestly I've never been able to take just ONE photo of anything!) and to work on specific skills. I want to see an improvement by the end of this year and that requires dedication and perserverance.

I will do this. I will do this. I will do this. I will do this.

Let's get this party started!!!

These are two of my boys... the oldest and the youngest... putting together a K'nex car! Dewayne has NO chance when Noah looks at him with those big eyes & asks his brother to play with him. heehee

1 down... 365 to go. :) Can't forget about Leap Year!!!


Anonymous said...

I love that picture! your boys are so handsome. :D

Tamara Wheeler said...

That picture is AWESOME!

.jessica jo. said...

awww, love this photo!!!!

SuzyQ said...

How fun! That's what being brothers is about!