
Photo A Day ~ 15 Jan

This week's Photo A Day Challenge is all about showing our hometown... so here's a little piece of where I live. It's not my real "hometown"... but then again... home is where the Air Force sends us! So, I guess the Tokyo area is home for now...

Passed this while out shopping. I was walking down a sidewalk... sort of off the beaten path... on my way back to the train station when I saw this driveway entry. It was a private home, and I have NO idea what the sign says, but I thought it was pretty cool looking! :) The area is very urban, tall buildings on the opposite side of the street, and then there was this entry. The houses behind the entry were bigger than most in the area and the garden area was immaculately kept. The most amazing home I've seen in that area... but I was too chicken to poke my head through to get a better photo of it! ha!

ss 1/200, f 8.0, ISO 400 (cropped & resized for uploading)


Patti said...

Love how you have framed the shot so you can see thru the gate to the garden and house. Beautiful

Mom2Drew said...

So for a moment, I thought you lived in the orient somewhere...very cool and different.

Dorothy said...

I live in Japan! In the Tokyo area!!

Sara said...

This is lovely. I really like your framing too.
Can you tell us more about this photo? It's a photo that definatley wants to tell a story.

Jan said...

Neat!! I can't wait to see more of your "hometown". It looks beautiful there and you did a great job capturing this entry. I like the way the gate acts as a frame. Great composition! TFS

Dar Kaso said...

Great capture, love the compisition.

Itworksforbobbi said...

Wow this this beautiful! Have you ever heard of the Orton technique? It would look cool on this shot! Love the comp. also! Can't wait to see more!

Dorothy said...

sara... I added a bit more about the story, but I really know very little about the actual place! It was just someone's home that I passed by today!

bobbijo... I've heard of the Orton Technique... but haven't figured out if I can do it with PSE4. I bookmarked the instructions to try when I've had some sleep! It's nearly 2am for me right now! :)

jordan.krogman said...

I have been thinking this as I look at your posts every day, but wanted to say that you are SO lucky to have this experience with your family. Being able to live in a different culture, even if only for a while, would be so much fun and such a challenge. I really wish I could join you for a few days and take it all in. I love seeing all of your pics from Japan!!

jordan.krogman said...

oh, I was JUST trying to figure Orton out in PSE4 this morning . . . not going so well! If you figure it out, pleeeeeaase let me know!

Yvette A said...

Nice very nice, Japan wow.

Amy Covey said...

What a beautiful gate - very exotic! I can't wait to see more of your "hometown" photos.

Diane said...

Thank you for sharing this, and explaining about its surroundings.

Krissynae said...

Beautiful shot. Love the look of this photo.

Michelle said...

great composition! great pic.

Julianna said...


Lorrie said...

beautiful. I hope that one day before I die I can visit the far East... I love this photo... funny story about not poking your head in!!

Andrea said...

This is gorgeous! What a cool place to call "home".

Tammy said...

I like the angle on this and you're right...this is a pretty little entry way. Great job!