So long 2008... Hello 2009!!!
As 2008 came to an end, I decided this was the perfect time to start fresh. I couldn't let another year pass without giving myself a great big shove towards doing what I love. So, as the new year approached, I purchased a domain name, launched a website, filed for a business license, ordered business cards, set up accounts with professional printers, worked on my portfolio and now... FINALLY... I am stepping out in the world as "Dorothy Larson Photography"!!!! I've still got lots of work to do, but it feels great to really put some time & commitment into my photography. Now I just have to earn enough to pay for all of the equipment I want!!! :)
If ya want to check it out, here's the link: http://www.dorothylarsonphotography.com/ But expect some changes daily for a while. I am still figuring out what look I want and what information I want on the site. Be patient, k?
Feb 9...
Dewayne's footprints on the front sidewalk... he went out to his car & came back for the window scraper. :)

Noah's first snowball... first of many...

And for the record... I WON!!!!!
*note: I used Andrew's new little point-n-shoot Sony camera for today's photos. Much easier to play in the snow with a teeny tiny camera!
ABC's & 123's
I love word art and I've been noticing words and individual letters a lot lately. I want to get a photo of every letter of the alphabet and numbers 0 through 9. So... here's A.


surprise [ser-prahyz, suh-] -–verb (used with object)
1. to strike or occur to with a sudden feeling of wonder or astonishment, as through unexpectedness: Her beauty surprised me. 2. to come upon or discover suddenly and unexpectedly: We surprised the children raiding the cookie jar.
There was more than one photo today. :)

drastic [dras-tik] –adjective 1. acting with force or violence; violent. 2. extremely severe or extensive: a drastic tax-reduction measure.
And if you're interested... here's all the "in-between" pics too.

Today is the day. We all got up super early (4am to be exact) and had breakfast together... but I think at least 2 of the boys was eating while still asleep. ;) I took Tom to the squadron and snapped a few photos. Here he is being a goofball when I told him to strike a pose for Amy because she thinks he's hawt in that flight suit... hahahaaaaa

After seeing Amy's photo for January 13th, I really wanted to try to photograph my ring. When Tom took his ring off & put it on his dresser, I couldn't help myself. Although I have 4 months to get the photo, I snapped this one the night before he left. He can't wear it when he flies so it spends quite a bit of time on the dresser. :)

I wanted to photograph Tom's boots on the black background... and while I was playing with this set up, Noah decided it looked pretty fun. I got some decent shots of the boots... then Noah stepped in...

Noah's calendar... marking off the days till Daddy leaves in blue... then we'll mark the off the days till Daddy returns in red. :)


My hubby is getting ready to deploy again. He spent the day getting some of his things ready to pack... including his uniforms... the brown ones. Makes it very real.

real [ree-uhl, reel] -adjective. 1. true; not merely ostensible, nominal, or apparent: the real reason for an act. 2. existing or occurring as fact; actual rather than imaginary, ideal, or fictitious: a story taken from real life. 3. being an actual thing; having objective existence; not imaginary: The events you will see in the film are real and not just made up. 4. being actually such; not merely so-called: a real victory.


owl [aul] -noun 1. a type of bird that flies at night and feeds on small birds and animals.

This is my owl shirt! Everytime I wear it I think of Monica!!! It's a really comfy, stretchy thermal material with a felt leaf near the bottom hem. I need to find a long sleeved shirt that I can wear under it while it's cold!
And even if I had make-up on, I still wouldn't have taken a full self-portrait today. :)

box [boks] -noun. 1. a container, case, or receptacle, usually rectangular, of wood, metal, cardboard, etc., and often with a lid or removable cover.

ded·i·cat·ed [ded-i-key-tid] –adjective 1. wholly committed to something, as to an ideal, political cause, or personal goal: a dedicated artist.
This is a photo of a wooden C-130 model of the plane my husband deployed on last year. It's scale and very realistic. He had it made after he returned home. It sits on top of our entertainment center with a wooden F-15... the plane he worked on before he started flying on C-130's.
The "dedication" comes from my husband, Tom, serving in the United States Air Force. He loves what he does and it's obvious when he talks about it. He has such a dedication to his fellow flight crew members, his squadron, the country. I am so proud of him.
Technical stuff: Canon Rebel XT, 85mm lens, 430EX external flash... f./1.8, ss 200, ISO 100, bounced flash.
pose [pohz] -noun 1. a bodily attitude or posture: Her pose had a note of defiance in it. 2. the act or period of posing, as for a picture.
(although "cheesy" or "annoyed" would probably go a little better with his attitude today!)

And starting today, I'm going to use one descriptive word, along with the definition, for each of my photos. This was the idea of a very talented photographer & crafter at ScrapFreak.com (thanks for the idea Chickie!!) and I hope I do it justice!
Faith [feyth] -noun. - the trust in God and in His promises as made through Christ and the Scriptures by which humans are justified or saved.

2008: a year of photos

These are two of my boys... the oldest and the youngest... putting together a K'nex car! Dewayne has NO chance when Noah looks at him with those big eyes & asks his brother to play with him. heehee
1 down... 365 to go. :) Can't forget about Leap Year!!!
Photo A Year - :)
For now, I'll add one photo from a recent maternity shoot... I just love this shot. The shoes belonged to my youngest son who will be 5 in just a few days! I thought they made a great prop for a maternity shoot against the black backdrop!
Shooting info: Canon Digital Rebel XT, lens 18-55mm kit lens, 50mm focal length, ss 1/30, f/5.6, ISO 100. Minimal post-processing to crop, watermark, add frame & resize for web. No editing of actual photo image.
Photo A Day ~ 13 June

Photo A Day ~ 17 May

Canon dRebel XT, 50mm f1.8 lens... ss 125, f4.0, ISO 200
Photo A Day ~ 17 Apr
Photo A Day ~ 16 Apr

All were taken with Canon dRebel XT, Sigma 30mm f/1.4 lens...
Photo A Day ~ 15 Apr

Canon dRebel XT, 70-300mm f/4-5.6 IS lens
ss 40, f/5.6, ISO 800, focal length 190mm, rainy afternoon
Photo A Day ~ 13 Apr

Canon dRebel XT, 50mm f1.8 lens, ss 3200, f4.0, iso 200... taken in front of my large kitchen window with mid-day overcast sky. The background is the sky.
I also like that I can see the reflection of the trees & grass outside my window in the stem part of the glass! Just glad it didn't pick up the reflection of the contruction fence across the street!
Photo A Day ~ 10 Apr

He was watching tv while I finished dinner... yeah... he was OUT as soon as he stopped moving! I just love how he arranged the pillows so he could be REALLY comfy! heehee
Canon dRebel XT, 50mm f1.8 lens, iso 1600, ss 40, f1.8
Photo A Day ~ 9 Apr
That boy loves the slide!

Photo A Day ~ 7 Apr

I moved here just after sakura season last year... missed this amazing view by just a week or two... and I keep looking at all of the trees as I drive. They are peaceful to me. I love how the trees cover the street... a full canopy of white blooms!